Last week somebody called me on the phone to discuss some ASF topics and wanted to send me an email with details. Unfortunately he forgot to tell me how I could contact him and I never received that mail. It's quite possible that the mail vanished in my spam folder and I just didn't see it.

Maybe you are reading my blog?

The easiest way for a mail to end up in one of my spam folders (unless you are white-listed) is an attached MS Office document, ZIP archive, .EXE, .SCR or similar stuff with a > 99% probability of containing a virus (about 400 per day ATM, has been far worse once). If it gets past this, my statistical spam filter gets a look at the mail and is very likely to flag it as spam if it contains HTML. I'll look through my spam folders at least once per day, but if the mail has a meaningless subject (like "information"), I won't even notice it.

So if you are waiting for a response from me, please retry with a plain text mail and a subject that will stick out of the spam. You shouldn't include the words "Rolex" or "soft tabs" in the mail body either.

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