For a long time Ant relied on Gump for nightly builds, but that stopped working when Sam's little Gump machine died more than a year ago. I've finally managed to set up nightly builds for Ant on the Gump workhorse named brutus, so we are back to business as usual.

Unlike our prior nightly builds, this one does not get built by Gump but uses installed dependencies only. Currently Ant gets compiled against

May  9  2004 antlr-2.7.4
Apr 25  2003 bcel-5.1
Nov 12  2002 bsf-2.3.0
Jun 15 13:33 commons-logging-1.0.4
Jun 25 19:39 commons-net-1.2.2
Jul  9 03:59 jaf-1.0.1
Feb 19  2003 jakarta-log4j-1.2.8
Dec 28  2003 jakarta-oro-2.0.8
Sep  2  2003 jakarta-regexp-1.3
Jan 25  2004 jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30-LE-jdk14
Jul  9 04:00 javamail-1.3
Jul  9 04:00 jdepend-2.6
Jul  9 04:01 jsch-0.1.14
Jul  9 04:01 junit3.8.1
Oct  6  2003 xml-commons-resolver-1.1.b1

If your favorite optional task doesn't get built and I can get hold of the required library without too much effort (i.e. I don't have to pay for it or worse provide my grandma's maiden name and the income of my son's budgie), I'm open to adjustments.

Nightly builds should start via cron at 0:30 local time on brutus (which is PST and looks like GMT-8 to me).

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