Kicked off a discussion about the future of Apache Ivy at the Ant dev mailing list.

path: /en/Apache/Ivy | #

Over the past 15 months or so I've enjoyed mentoring Apache PLC4X while it was incubating at the ASF. This has been an easy task and I'm really happy to see how the community has developer over time. The time has come and PLC4X has graduated - see the official announcement.

PLC4X provides a common access model for interacting with programmable logic controllers bridging an ever growing number of (propriatory) protocols. While it all started in Java land, support for other platforms and languages is on the way.

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Last Monday I atended the FOSS Backstage Micro-Summit and enjoyed it at a lot. I haven't been to ApacheCons for quite some time and it was good to see familiar faces and get to know so many new folks.

The slides of my talk are on Speaker Deck but I'm afraid they aren't that useful without the things I actually said.

Update 2017-12-01: video of the talk without the Q&A session that followed it.

path: /en/Apache/Ant | #

Next Monday I'm going to talk about some lessons learned during the seventeen years I've so far enjoyed being part of the Ant community at the FOSS Backstage Micro-Summit in Berlin.

path: /en/Apache/Ant | #

This is a general call-to-arms for everyone who uses log4net as their logging solution. If log4net is the logging framework that you are using and would like to keep using in the future it is time now to get involved. The project needs a larger developing community to move on! We really need more people who want to shape the future of log4net at the Apache Software Foundation.

In all the time since log4net has been started by Nicko Cadell more than ten years ago, there have never been more than two or three people regularly contributing to it. As is normal in open source projects people have come and gone when their interests or just the amount of time they could invest have changed.

At the moment Dominik Psenner and Stefan Bodewig are the only people semi-actively working on log4net and neither of them is able to devote as much time to the project as they'd like to and as would be required.

Realistically log4net is maintenance mode where development of new features is not going to happen.

This has repeatedly made log4net lag behind recent developments in the .NET world. It took a long time to get a version out that properly worked with .NET 4.0 in 2011 and adaptions to .NET 4.5 also took much longer than many users would have wished. We are seeing it again with .NET Core right now. In addition there are many unresolved issues in log4net's JIRA.

Despite this there are more than 2500 downloads of the logging framework every day from nuget. We are asking you, the log4net community, to get your hands dirty.

Right now we are in the process of creating a log4net release that works for .NET Core. It is a very targeted effort and it is very unlikely Dominik and Stefan will be able to contribute more in the future than we did during the past months.

If you are willing to help, please join log4net's dev mailing list and raise your hand. Look through log4net's issue tracker and pick things you'd like to work on. If you don't know where to start, please ask, Dominik and Stefan will be there to help.

If there is anything holding you back from contributing, let's discuss it and get it out of the way. Nothing is carved into stone, neither what the future of log4net holds nor how we make it happen.


log4net's JIRA
dev mailing list
How the ASF works,

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