During discussions on whether a project at the ASF should migrate from CVS to Subversion somebody raised "even Ant doesn't support Subversion". This really surprised me.

First Ant's CVS support isn't really that intriguing either. There is a thin wrapper on top of the cvs command line client, a task to modify ~/.cvspass and two tasks to generate XML versions of some historical reports generated from "cvs log" or "cvs diff".

Second, there are Ant tasks for Subversion, just not as part of the default Ant installation. The projects I know are

and I bet there is more if you just search around a bit.

Since people seem to insist that only tasks coming from Ant itself are acceptable in their shop, I've started to put together a few tasks that match Ant's support for CVS. This is nothing too fancy and will probably never be more than a layer on top of the svn command line client. A basic <svn> task and three tasks for historic reports using a format very similar to Ant's CVS reports can be found as rough versions in Ant's CVS sandbox. I don't actually plan to propose their inclusion with Ant, but rather develop them as an independent Ant library.

People who want to check out the tasks probably need Ant from CVS HEAD as well since I haven't checked for Ant 1.6.2 compatibility yet.

path: /en/Apache/Ant | #