Kicked off a discussion about the future of Apache Ivy at the Ant dev mailing list.

path: /en/Apache/Ivy | #

Received a recruiter message last week that stood out from the others:

I'm getting in contact on behalf of X, the creators of Apache Y


Even if I was looking for a new job I'd stop reading at that point. The creators of Apache Y are the project's contributors, not X. X may be the inventor but in my conrete combination of X and Y that wouldn't be true, either. X may employ some of the contributors, but it does not create Apache Y.

If you allow recruiters to use such a phrase you first demonstrate you don't understand how the ASF works and second are obviously willing to lie. Why would I want to work for an employer who lies to me?

path: /en/personal | #

I've just released a small minor release of XMLUnit.NET that fixes a bug with whitespace normalization/stripping and adds a small feature simplifying the use of NodeFilters.

Full list of changes:

path: /en/oss/XMLUnit | #

Full list of changes:

path: /en/oss/XMLUnit | #

The major change of XMLUnit for Java 2.9.0 is the addition of a new module xmlunit-jakarta-jaxb-impl that can be used in addition to xmlunit-core when you want to use the Jakarta XML Binding API in version 3. For details please see the user's guide.

The full list of changes of XMLUnit for Java 2.9.0 is:

path: /en/oss/XMLUnit | #