For some reason no WYSIWYG tool ever works for me, be it for writing texts or generating presentations. My workflow simply doesn't match the one of those tools, I end up spending too much time thinking about the look rather than the content.

In addition I like my work to be under version control and versioning big binary blobs (and gzip compressed XML isn't really better than that) isn't that cool. So I prefer tools that work on plain text.

Some time ago I tried S5 and liked it, except for the fact that I couldn't create a PDF of the real slides instead of the print view S5 provides.

Then I stumbled over the LaTeX Beamer Class and used it for an internal presentation I did this week. For somebody familiar with LaTeX this is really really great, I can only praise it. It is an "apt-get install latex-beamer" away from Debian/Ubuntu systems and I didn't have any trouble getting it to work on my Cygwin pdflatex installation at work either.

This is the example directly from the class's homepage



\title{Example Presentation Created with the Beamer Package}
\author{Till Tantau}




\subsection{Overview of the Beamer Class}
  \frametitle{Features of the Beamer Class}

  \item<1-> Normal LaTeX class.
  \item<2-> Easy overlays.
  \item<3-> No external programs needed.      

which produces this PDF. In the end I had to select a nice theme and things looked better than anything I ever did in PowerPoint. And it certainly took me less time, was version controlled and all that.

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