path: /en/oss/XMLUnit | #

I've just released a small minor release of XMLUnit.NET that fixes a bug with whitespace normalization/stripping and adds a small feature simplifying the use of NodeFilters.

Full list of changes:

  • added NodeFilters#SatisfiesAll and SatifiesAny methods to make it easier to combine multiple node filters.
    added to simplify the use case of xmlunit/#249
  • when documents contained element content whitespace represented by System.Xml.XmlWhitespace the types and methods that are supposed to strip or normalize whitespace would fail.
    Issue #38

path: /en/oss/XMLUnit | #

Full list of changes:

  • fixed some AssertJ tests that didn't work on Windows.
    Issue #252 and PR #253 by @Boiarshinov
  • added overloads to ElementSelectors.byXPath that accept a XPathEngine argument.
    Issue #255
  • added Cyclone DX SBOMs to release artifacts

path: /en/oss/XMLUnit | #

The major change of XMLUnit for Java 2.9.0 is the addition of a new module xmlunit-jakarta-jaxb-impl that can be used in addition to xmlunit-core when you want to use the Jakarta XML Binding API in version 3. For details please see the user's guide.

The full list of changes of XMLUnit for Java 2.9.0 is:

  • added a new module xmlunit-jakarta-jaxb-impl that makes Input.fromJaxb use jakarta.xml.bind rather than javax.xml.bind. For more details see the User's Guide.

    This change is not fully backwards compatible. The JaxbBuilder class has become abstract and the withMarshaller method has changed its signature. For most cases the change will not be noticed and for almost all other cases it should be enough to re-compile your code against XMLUnit 2.9.x.

    Issue #227 and PR #247

  • added NodeFilters#satisfiesAll and satifiesAny methods to make it easier to combine multiple node filters. added to simplify the use case of #249

path: /en/oss/XMLUnit | #

I've just released new minor versions of XMLUnit for Java and XMLUnit.NET. Both releases are improvements.

Changelog for XMLUnit for Java 2.8.4:

  • improved comparison performance for documents with many siblings
    based on a suggestion by @gerpres made in #236

Changelog for XMLUnit.NET 2.9.1

  • improved comparison performance for documents with many siblings
    based on a suggestion by @gerpres made in Java Issue xmlunit/#236
  • added a new FullDescription method to Diff that provides a string-representation of all differences - not just the first one like ToString does.
    Based on Java PR xmlunit/#235 by @Boiarshinov

Right now there seem to be some issues with Sonatype's OSS Nexus (likely under heavy load) so it may take a bit longer than usual for the new Java artifacts to show up in Maven Central.

path: /en/oss/XMLUnit | #